Kettlebell Sport

Kettlebell (Girevoy) Sport resources

Kettlebell Sport

Kettlebell Sport


Kettlebell Sport information is difficult to find on the internet, or limited in depth,scope,etc. This is my attempt to collect what I find.

What is Kettlebell Sport?

This is not Hardstyle (Pavel-influended) Kettlebell lifting. Kettlebell Sport is endurance kettlebell lifting where lifters have 10 minutes (or 5 minutes in sprint sets) to complete as many reps as possible without setting the bells down. Efficiency and technique are important to maintain energy throughout set.


  • Long Cycle - Clean and Jerk. Commonly performed with 2 kettlebells, but one-arm variants performed for half-marathon and marathon. Abbreviations include: LC (long cycle), TALC (two-arm long cycle), C+J (clean and jerk), OALC (one-arm long cycle).
  • Snatch - Snatch. Performed with one kettlebell. Double-arm variant referred to as Double Snatch.
  • Jerk - Jerk. Commonly performed with 2 kettlebells, but one-arm variants performed for half-marathon and marathon. Abbreviations include: OAJ (one-arm jerk).
  • Double Half-snatch. Performed with two bells. First part of lift is like a double snatch, but after fixation the athlete drops to the rack before the back swing. Abbreviations include: HS (one-arm half-snatch), DHS (two-arm half-snatch).


Competition Kettlebells

Youth Competition Kettlebells




  • Magnetic Chip Weights - 1KG and 2KG magnetic plates you attach to base of Kettlebell. Allows you to adjust weight in smaller increments than traditional 4KG jumps between bells.
    • The chip weights on a pair of Pro Kettlebells work great. I haven’t tried the PBK chip weights on a pair of standard competition bells though. Previously, I wasn’t a fan of attachment plates on traditional competition bells, because they shift (or detach) during two-bell sets (unless I would tape them down, but that defeats the easy on/off point of them).
  • Vikn Chalk - High-grade gymnastics/weightlifting chalk. Don’t cheap out here. See Kettlebell Prep. (Note: As of Sept 1, 2023 they’re back in business!) - (use TCKB for 10% off).
  • Belt sander replacement belt - Used for sanding bell handles. See Kettlebell Prep.
  • Sanding Drum Kit for Drill Presses and Power Drills - Used for quickly prepping new bell handles, or if there’s an extensive amount of rust build-up on the handle.
  • DeWalt 3-Tier Steel Garage Storage Shelving Unit - Heavy duty multi-purpose shelf perfect for storing your kettlebells off the floor. Holds 10 competition bells per shelf. Less expensive, and more storage than kettlbell-specific shelves available on the market.
  • Tyr Lifting Shoes - Lifters aren’t required in the sport, but I find them beneficial in double bell lifts for the stability. Tyr’s are my new favorite weightlifting shoes, though I wore Adidas Adistars and Adipowers for 20+ years. There other options from companies like: Nike, Reebok, No Bull, Do-Win, and Lab of Champions makes GS sport-specific lifters.


Sport Technique Videos

Online Follow-along Classes



Other (Tips, prep, etc)


Free Programs



  • Find a GS Coach - Spreadsheet of GS coaches and gyms maintained by Kim Fox

Ranking Tables